2023 College Bootcamp and Career Expo

HCPS Virtual College Bootcamp and College & Career Expo 2023
Posted on 06/27/2023
HCPS LogoHCPS Virtual College Bootcamp and College & Career Expo

Attention Rising Juniors and Seniors: Don’t miss our upcoming HCPS Virtual College Bootcamp on July 31 through August 2, including a College & Career Expo on Thursday, August 3 at Hanover High School (Exhibitors List)! We will be kicking off our Virtual College Bootcamp on Monday, July 31, at 10 a.m.! This kick-off session will cover an overview of the college application process with specific instructions from each high school’s School Counseling Department. We will also go over our Bootcamp agenda for the rest of the week!

HCPS Virtual College Bootcamp Agenda 2023

On Tuesday and Wednesday we will be holding live virtual sessions at 10 a.m. on College Admissions Essay Writing and Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Money Saving Tips with a Guest Speaker from GRASP. On Thursday, August 3 we will be hosting a College & Career Expo at Hanover High School from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Please sign up today to attend these virtual events and Expo by clicking on the link below. Registration will close on Thursday, July 27, at 11:59 p.m. Want to see the recorded version? Register below and we will ensure that you receive links to the sessions following each event. Zoom links to access the live sessions will be sent out prior to each session (via the e-mail address you provided in your registration).

HCPS Virtual College Bootcamp Registration 2023

Contact your Career Counselor with any questions.

- Shannon Edwards: Atlee High School, [email protected]
- Jennifer Melton: Hanover High School, [email protected]
- Alison Bollander: Mechanicsville High School, [email protected]
- Jennifer Crowder: Patrick Henry High School, [email protected]

Thank you. We look forward to having you join us!

Hanover County Career Counselors
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